A completely Bulgarian technology for remote e-identification, qualified e-signature and registered e-mail, directly from the smartphone - this is Eurotrust in short. The company uses automated recognition through 3D facial biometrics through the phone’s camera and through the ID document. The service works at any time of the day and night with the highest level of security and makes handling electronic documents easy and affordable.
The beginning was made a few years ago, when a Bulgarian sailor, anchored in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, tried to finalize his contract for a bank loan. The task seemed overwhelming until he came across the technology developed by Eurotrust. He became one of the first client of the innovative company, which started sales in 2018, and only a year it later registered its first profit of BGN 852 000.
During the pandemic, due to difficult physical access, Eurotrust gained popularity and increased its individual and corporate clients by over 630% on an annual basis. Through the mobile application, they can sign and authenticate their identity to government institutions and businesses in a safe environment. In 2020, Eurotrust’s application is in the Top 10 of the most popular business applications in the App Store in our country, along with global applications such as Microsoft Teams, Zoom, LinkedIn and Adobe.
For its growth and the implementation of its projects, “Eurotrust” relies on the financial and expert support of the Capital Investment Fund from the BDB Group. Thus, the innovative company makes increasingly bold plans to enter new markets and offer more services. Its ambition is to make the remote identification mobile application available worldwide soon.