International Power Supply
It’s hard to imagine, but more than a billion and a half people around the world live without electricity. To keep warm and prepare food, huge numbers of people in Africa, South America and Southeast Asia mainly use wood for burning, which leads to the clearing of large areas of forests and exacerbates the climate change that the planet is trying to combat.
“International Power Supply” (IPS) is among the few companies in our country engaged in the development and production of autonomous systems for decentralized electrification and smart grids using renewable energy sources. Established in 1989, the company currently operates in 58 markets around the world. The Exeron modular system developed by it provides a solution to the problem of lack of access to electricity through a combination of RES (solar panels, wind blades, fuel cells) and different types of energy storage systems. Small power plants are also created with it, which supply all types of objects. The innovation provides IPS with work on five continents. The first system was made for the Bulgarian base in Antarctica and has been working for 10 years without needing maintenance.
An important role in the development of the technology company is played by the Capital Investment Fund from the BDB Group, which invested BGN 6.5 million in it. In addition to expanding the potential of IPS, part of the Fund’s shareholding is invested in research and development activity. For IPS, it is particularly valuable that the investment is carried out by the Capital Investment Fund, part of the state development bank family. “This is an important sign for our foreign partners and customers, which shows the attitude of the state and builds even greater trust”, said Alexander Rangelov, Executive Director of the Technology Company. An example of this are orders from customers such as Saudi Aramco, which commissioned IPS to provide electricity for the pumps of unconventional gas wells.